When is the next election?
November 5, 2024
Can an unaffiliated voter get on the ballot for the November General election?
Yes, by petition
Can I change my party affiliation before filing for a partisan office?
No person shall be permitted to file as a candidate in a party primary unless that person has been affiliated with that party for at least 90 days as of the date of that person filing such notice of candidacy (per NC G.S. 163A-977)
Candidate Information
Before you get started as a candidate there are a few things you should know:
You must be registered with the party you want to file with for at least 90 days as the date of filing
it is advised that you open a separate bank account other than your personal one
Filing fees over $50.00 must be paid by check or money order
Designate a treasurer
Cannot be a spouse
Has to live in NC
Has to complete a treasurer training class within four months of filing
Do you think you will spend and/or receive more than $1,000 during the election cycle?
Have to keep up with all money spent and received
Have to file reports with the office every quarter
Have to keep up with all money spent and received
Does not have to file reports
Campaign Finance Tips
Do not spend more than $50.00 in cash(that includes filing fee)
Do not use personal debit/credit cards
Need a legend on large signs, newspaper ads, business cards, etc.
No pass the hat
Have to have Name, Address, Employer, Job Title on each contributor
No contributions from businesses
All media expenditures must be paid by check or other verifiable form of payment
What is a contribution?
Any amount of money
Anything of value given to the committee
Someone buying the committee anything (ad, sign, etc)
Candidate campaign finance manual
Rebecca Hall - Board of Elections Director